Dynamic Hinged Elbow External Fixator
Complex elbow fractures and dislocations are most important traumatic injuries in elbow region with some treatment challenges. In complex elbow injuries it is not possible to address and treat all injured elements. So, elbow instability is a true concern after most surgical treatments in complex elbow injuries.
Inherent instability of injured elbow may lead to fixation failure or excessive forces on reduced and fixed constructs. It is necessary to off-load the injured joint during healing phase. The best option to protect the elbow after complex injuries are hinged elbow external fixators. It is connected to upper limb by some schanz screws inserted in humerus and ulnar bones. Alignment of elbow axis of flexion-extension with fixator pivot is necessary to off-load the joint. Dynamic hinged elbow external fixator provides the surgeon to insert schanz screw in any desired direction without any concern about the alignment of other screws.
Dynamic hinged elbow external fixator offers progressive active rehabilitation protocols with adjustable tightening of pivot part.
Adjustable range of motion limitation
Teflon noiseless hinge
Dynamic multi-directional schanz clamps
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